How Does Happiness Differ by Marital Status?


Data Notes

The data in this visualization comes from the 2022 General Social Survey which is conducted by NORC. They asked respondents, “Taken all together, how would you say things are these days–would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?”

The data shows whether or not someone thinks they are happy seems to be related to marital status. Survey respondents that were married responded that they are “very happy” 34% of the the time. Those that were seperated were the group most likely to say they were “Not Too Happy.

Happiness also seems to be related to other characteristics such as health, age, and income. You can learn more about happiness at our data visualization, “What Percentage of Americans are Happy?” or check out the other visualizations we have on those topics to learn more about them.

This visualization was created using GSS data I cleaned in Python. I then created the visual using Tableau.

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