Everyone wants to be happy. There are a number of things people say will make you happy, but who knows what really works. Luckily, we can use survey data to help see what actually makes people happy.
I was curious if people with more education were happier than others. As you can see from the graphic below, in general, people with more education are happier. While the level of happiness can differ, overall people that have higher levels of educational attainment are happier which is better than being “Not happy at all”.
I hope you enjoy the data viz and exploring this trend. If you have any ideas on characteristics you think make people happy, feel free to comment or reach out to us on Twitter.
Data Notes
To create this visualization, I used the 2018 General Social Survey (GSS) data which is published by NORC at the University of Chicago. The data can be found on the GSS Website. Once I downloaded the data, utilized Tableau to visualize the data.
If you want to keep up with our surveys and data analysis, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Will Education Make You Happy? #dataviz
— Overflow Data (@overflow_data) August 8, 2019