How Many Members of the US Military Have Died in Each War? – Mobile



This Memorial Day, I wanted to create a visualization that memorializes more than 1.35 million that have lost their lives in order to protect America. The visualization below shows the number of deaths in each war, deaths per day, and deaths as a percentage of the population.


[accordion title=”Deaths” load=”show”]Story 1[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Deaths per Day” load=”hide”]Story 1 (1) [/accordion]
[accordion title=”Deaths per Population” load=”hide”]Story 1 (2)[/accordion]

Data Notes

The data for this visualization is from a compilation of sources and was found on Wikipedia. The article is named “United States military casualties of war”. If you are interested in viewing the article you can find it here.

Once I gathered the data, I edited it in Excel and created the visualization in Tableau.

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