Data Notes
The data for this visualization comes from the American Community Survey which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. I used the Census Bureau API to pull the 2016 1 year estimate for martial status. Once I had gathered the data, I used Tableau to create this visualization.
I have included the API code I used to pull the data below. You will need a free API key to access the data. You can find out more at the Census Bureau’s Developer Page.,DP02_0025E,DP02_0026E,DP03_0027E,DP03_0028E,DP03_0029E,DP03_0031E,DP02_0032E,DP03_0033E,DP03_0034E,DP03_0035E&for=state:*&key=
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What is the martial status of people living in each state? #dataviz
— Overflow Data (@overflow_data) February 11, 2018