The average American worker works 38.4 hours per week according to the 2013 American Communities Survey published by the US Census Bureau. The graphic below, breaks that out by state and county to show you where people are working the most and where they are working the least amount of time during each week
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Quick Facts
State with Highest Average: Alaska, 41.9 Hours Per Week
State with Lowest Average: Utah 36.7 Hours Per Week
County with Highest Average: Aleutians East Borough, Alaska; 68.8 Hours Per Week
County with Lowest Average: Lexington City, Virginia: 30.2 Hours Per Week
County with Workforce of More than 50,000 People with Highest Average: Onslow County, North Carolina; 44.4 Hours Per Week
County with Workforce of More than 50,000 People with Lowest Average: Hampsire County Massachusetts; 33.7 Hours Per Week
All the totals above can be found from manipulating the visualization above. Let us know what cool trends and facts you can find.
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The information displayed above comes from the American Communities Survey, 2013 5 Year Estimates which is published by the US Census Bureau. These figures can be found on Table B23020 at