What percentage of Americans in each political party believe God exists?



Earlier this week, we published a data viz that let you explore what percentage of Americans believe God exists. That viz lets you sort through the respondents to see how age, sex, location, attendance of religious services, and political affiliation alters the percentage of people that believe. The data about political affiliation is extremely interesting so we decide to dive a little deeper. You can now use the data viz below to explore how members of different political parties have different beliefs about God’s existence.

Data Notes

We created this data viz to explore how many people in the United States believe God exists. The focus of this tool is political party preference. The visualization gives you data for the breakout by political party. It also lets you break out each level of belief to see the percentage of each party that is represented in each category.

Something of note is that only 53% of people identified as leaning towards a political party preference. Overall, 47% of Americans now identify as independent.

To gather this data, I went to the NORC’s GSS Explorer and downloaded an extract of the General Social Survey. I then created the data viz in Tableau Public.


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